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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Children of Arusha Project

It seemed fitting that we should take advantage of learning about the geography of Africa, poverty, cultural diversity, humanitarian relief, language, currency exchange, budgeting and about 50 other elements of the Core Curriculum while Luke Johnson is working in Africa these past few months.

Congratulations to the children of Arusha and for the children of Riverside's Grade 6 for their fine work in making the world a better place.

Through making and selling bracelets and baking and selling nutritious food, and communicating with Luke and, most especially, with love and generosity, the class raised $500 for this project.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Happy Faces at Pine Lake

Riverside's 6th grade spent three days at Pine Lake for an environmental education experience. A special thank you to Hartwick College's Pine Lake staff and TAP US for hosting our group.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Water, Water, Everywhere...
Riverside's 6th grade created our own watershed in our classroom. We will be studying how humans can effect a watershed, what the health of our own watershed is according to our own macro-invertebrate studies, and begin an ongoing project to protect our watershed.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

TAP-US Learning how to save our watershed with Mrs. Ianello

Summer Ducks 2012

These are the ducks raised at our house this summer...nothing but birds at the Johnson Rehab Center...maybe a few squirrels and some other little furry things...but mostly birds.
I am taking a class to update my blog...not an easy task :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The first stop, right off the bus, The United States Capitol

Air and Space Museum...

White House with our new friend from Togo

I love teaching